
Role of Social Media for Information Services

Role of Social Media for Information Services

Abstract:         This paper examines how Libraries can leverage on social networking and Social Media skills to provide dynamic library services in the face of dwindling economic problems in India. Because of miraculous technological advancement of 21st century, Library services have impacted globally. The Social Media has gradually scrabbled into the library profession with social sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Myspace, Flickr, YouTube, Library Thing; it has become evident that our services will need to change to meet the growing needs of our end users. Challenges faced by Indian libraries in the use of these Social Media are investigated and possible solutions proffered.
Keyword:    Social Networking, Libraries, Library services

 Social connections have become very important and have improved the library profession in India. Social networking refers to a process of relationship building among a group. The Facebook initially was used only for social discussions, however over time, particularly by the turn of the 21st century the grouping of individuals into specific groups emerged. Professional groups & library profession had its own group with the sole purpose of sharing ideas and gathering first-hand information regarding the profession. With the use of these Social media sites strategies for the enhancement of library services have been proffered.  

What is Social Media?
v  Newspaper or radio is a media instrument on communication and Social Media is a social instrument of communication.
v  In Web 2.0 terms, one website which is giving you information and also interacts with you while giving the information. This interaction is simple, that asking for your comments and also letting you vote on an article.
v  Social Media is a two-way street that gives you the ability to communicate. 
v  Social Networking: A Platform for Open Access to Knowledge.
v  Social networking sites are constantly promoting open access to knowledge.

 “Social Media are primarily Internet-based tools for sharing and discussing information among human beings.” -                                                                                          Wikipedia
  “An umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the construction of words and pictures.”                          Anvil Media 
   “Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.”                                               Oxford English Dictionary
Objectives of the Study
Ø  To explore the attitude towards the use of social media in marketing of library resources and services.
Ø  To provide possible implication of social media for marketing library and information products and services.
Ø  To investigate the problems in utilizing social media for marketing purposes in libraries.

Why Social Media in Library?
1. Marketing of library product and services
2. Marketing specific children's, youth and adult services programs
3. To modernize the library image and e-reputation
4. To reach a new audience of potential users
5. To spread news and service alerts
6. To provide quick updates to users
7. To build discussion groups and collaborative work
8. For fund raising

How works Social Media in Library?
Social News
Digg:   Digg is a news aggregator with a curated front page, aiming to select stories specifically for the Internet audience
Propeller:   Propeller was a social news aggregator. It was similar to Digg users could vote for which stories are to be included on the front page and could comment on them as well.
Reddit:   Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website
Slashdot: It is a social news website. It features news stories on science, technology, and politics that are submitted and evaluated by site users and editors
Fark: Fark is a social website it allows members to comment on a daily batch of news articles and other items from various websites.
·         The James B. Hunt Library, NC, USA is using above tools of Social News but In India This service is not provided by any University Library.
Social Networking
Facebook: Most popular because it is user - friendly, with many applications like JSTOR search, World Cat, and much more. Librarians can interact with users to know their information need. Libraries try to link some of these specialized library applications to Facebook. 
Twitter:  A micro blogging application, to keep staff and patrons updated on daily activities, like frequently updated collections. Users can utilize this platform to type in short messages or status update. Librarians can use this platform to give users first-hand information. Users can send Instant Messages (IM) on complaints or ask questions on a particular issue and get a feedback on the spot using twitter.
LinkedIn:  Librarians can get patrons connected with specialists in their particular field of interest via LinkedIn. Librarians can use this platform to render specialized services such as Strategic Dissemination of Information (SDI).
WhatsApp: Through WhatsApp Librarians can give instant information to users.
Blogs:  Here, librarians can periodically post messages; share information on a particular subject or issue, and allow users to contribute to content. They can write articles, news on topical issues and expect an instant reaction from their users.  

·         In India & USA all university Libraries are using above tools of Social Networking. Myspace & Ning are also Social Networking site but India less university libraries are using this tools.
Social Photo & Video Sharing
YouTube: Through this tool Libraries can share videos conferences, workshops and library events.
Flickr:  Librarians can use this tool to share and distribute new images of library collections. Cover page of new arrivals of both books and journals can be disseminated to users via Flickr.
Google photos: It is a photo sharing and storage. Librarians can share photos.
Pinterest: It is an image sharing site that allows users to create and label theme-based image collections called “boards.” Users can “pin” original content to their boards or re pin other users’ content.
·         In India University Libraries are using YouTube, Flickr, Google Photos and Pinterest for image and video sharing.
Other Social Sites
RSS: In RSS feeds users can get the information of their interest subject through mail.
·         In India only 20% Libraries are using RSS Feed & in USA most libraries are using this tool.
Podcast: Podcasts are free radio shows. One can listen to podcasts at any time in any place. They include shows and stories not found on TV, online, in print, or on the radio.
·         In India no Library is using Podcast & in USA most libraries are using this tool.
Mobile Apps: In India some library have their Library Apps. Users have to download the App and access the resources and also get the services from mobile App. In USA almost all libraries have its Mobile App.
Medium:   It is an online publishing platform. The platform is having a hybrid collection of amateur and professional people and publications, or exclusive blogs or publishers on Medium.
·          This Service is also not using by any Indian University Library.

Advantage of use of Social Media
v   Social media searches potential users of the library
v   Social media offers marketing of library services
v   Social media helps students to use library.
v   Social media allows user to create, share, vote and contribute information.
v   It helps libraries to get closer to the users.
v   It is great way attracts new users.
v   Social media helps students to reach library resources. 
v   Social media promotes knowledge sharing.
v   Social media helps in promoting distance learning. 
Role of Librarians
1 Librarians should be able to find the users information needs and match them with the library collections.
2 Librarians should have ability to share views and create awareness of the different social network sites and their uses.
3.Librarian should be an expert in web navigation.
 4. Librarians can cross-link people and ideas among the conglomerate of different groups.
5. Librarian should be diversified in knowledge and able to link information to people’s profiles. 
6. Users have the opportunity to actively engage in the construction of knowledge rather than being passive consumers of content;
7. Users are kept abreast of the latest developments and can have open access to knowledge;
8.Social Network ensures knowledge sharing, establishes communication link with experts and allows users to develop a team working skill.

Challenges of Social Networking.
1.      Copyright Issue – Because of open access Users can copy, paste and edit without permission of author.
2.       Awareness – Librarians are still not aware about the social networking and also about how to give services through Social networking.  Patrons are also not aware about the social networking sites.
3.      Bandwidth problem – In India the major issue about internet that is limited bandwidth. Users would be frustrating of Poor connectivity.
4.      Technophobia – In 21st century librarians are still giving the traditional library services. They are not eager to embrace change.  
5.      Training of staff –For giving the effective library services related to social networking tools Librarians are still not trained.
6.      Lack of maintenance culture – Maintenance culture is seriously lacking in most institutions in developing countries.
7.      Lack of power supply –The low supply of electricity is major issue in India. It discourages people from participating in the online forum.

v  All libraries should develop their web site.
v  Internet service must be provided in all types of libraries in order to utilize social media tools.
v  Library schools should emphasize on the practical aspects of marketing and using social media in their syllabus
v  Libraries should develop social media services.
v  Facebook is most popular & user friendly. Libraries should develop their Facebook page.
v  Librarians must be educated and trained in using social media tools for marketing library resources and services.
v  Libraries must be conduct virtual conferences
v  Libraries must be use social bookmarking web sites to tag and develop online catalogue of library resources

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2.      Rheingold, Howard (2002). SOCIAL MEDIA art mobs: The next social revolution (1st printing ed.). Cambridge, MA: Perseus Pub. p. 288. ISBN 978-0-7382-0608-0. 
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4.      "Social Media Revolution Video". Youtube .  "Top 100 Social Media Colleges-StudentAdvisor".
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9.      Steiner, H. (2009). Reference utility of social networking sites: Options and functionality. Library High Tech News, 26(5/6), 4-6.  
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11.   World Library and Information Congress, 76thIFLA General Conference and Assembly. 10-15 August 2010.
12.   Topper, E. F. (2007). Social networking in libraries. New World Library,  108(7/8),  378-380
13.  https://www.lib.ncsu.edu -  The James B. Hunt Library , NC, USA

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